About Al

Al Diab did not envision living a life of purpose and inspiration when he was facing life in prison 19 years ago. But after his release from prison, that is exactly what he made his mission out to be. He had paid his debt to the penitentiary, but felt he had not really paid his debt to society. He set out to steer young men from the life that led him to spend most of his teenage years in prison.

His story has inspired hundreds of youths to live a life of purpose and step away from all lifestyle choices that may be detrimental to themselves and their communities.

Alex has no formal education past elementary school, but with persistence and determination he has initiated and continued a process of unending self-education which has distinguished him as an authority on human potential. Alex’s passion to learn and his hunger to realize greatness in himself and others has helped him motivate young men to recognize their potential and turn their lives around.

He presents an authentic message of overcoming adversity and hopes that audiences of all ages can relate. His unique and genuine style, connects with people of all different walks of life as he challenges people to live up to their fullest potential.

He has lead parent and community workshops, educating people on how to identify key signs and characteristics of troubled youth and taught on how to help prevent gang involvement and drug use.

Alex has spoken to more than a thousand students through the last decade. He has spent the last 15 years working hand in hand with young people; helping them find purpose and define themselves, as they navigate the often difficult transition from child to adult. His candid style and authentic persona keeps the students engaged right from the first words.


The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

Walt Disney

Maybe you’ve been assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved.


Learn from Yesterday. Live for Today. Hope for Tomorrow.

Albert Einstein

Let’s build something together.

For speaking engagement requests please contact us at aldiab215@gmail.com